Eileen Revett

Whilst at Colchester Art school, Eileen was drawn to the process of woodcut printmaking and this continues to be her primary process. She is inspired by repetition, how subtle change occurs through the accumulation of similar marks and a meditative experience is encountered through the act of repetition whilst cutting woodblocks.

Stemming from her interest in runic inscription and other writing systems, Eileen’s practice has recently taken an unexpected direction towards printing the written word. She has considered how intriguing the abstract marks made to create the written word appear so interesting and beautiful even though she may not understand their meaning.

 With the thought that our alphabet could also be viewed in this way to someone who doesn’t know our language, Eileen turned her focus to the English alphabet. She has been printing individual letters and some universally positive words in the knowledge that positive words and phrases can be a source of inner strength and power. The arising work continues to be meditative in nature through the act of repetition of marks made to portray eventually the complete alphabet.

Recent Exhibitions include

Corner Room Gallery, Framlingham

Blackthorpe Barns, Rougham

Sudbourne Park Printmakers Studio, Sudbourne


BA Hons Fine Art Colchester

MA Printmaking ARU Cambridge

Love I

Love II

Pause In This Moment

Resonance i
Two Block Woodcut

Resonance IX
Two Block Woodcut

Resonance V
Two Block Woodcut

Resonance VI
Two Block Woodcut

Resonance VIII
Two Block Woodcut