Anita Cameron

Anita studied film and art and taught art in London and Somerset. Although the direction of her career changed, Anita has always maintained her interest and practice in art as a painter and printmaker. She has had a number of solo exhibitions and shows her work regularly with Sudbourne Park Printmakers.

Landscape and tangled plants absorb and engage Anita as an artist. She is inspired by the beautiful Alde Valley, where she lives, and the colourful abundance of her garden. 

Her maxim is Monet’s quote  ‘My only desire is an intimate infusion with nature, and the only fate I wish is to have worked and lived in harmony with her laws’  She regards her work now as trying to keep a record of nature as the world becomes increasingly out of harmony with it’s laws.

Anita has tried different printmaking techniques but has settled on screen printing as endlessly interesting and productive to explore.

Screen print

Garden series 3

River Alde at Iken
Screen print

Shadows and Reflections: River Alde, Screen print

Ancient Oak: Staverton Thicks Screen print

Garden Series 4

Garden Shadows: Alium
Screen print

Sunlit: Tunstall Forest
Screen print